Mantra Configuration Error

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To Fix (Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

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Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing. is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing. then we strongly recommend that you Download (Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing. both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing. that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2020-12-02 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

December 2020 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.?

Trying to access a website can sometimes lead to errors. One of the most common errors is the connection error or the connection-timed out error. This type of message error appears when the website you want to access is not available at the moment. It may also encounter a problem with the network connection. If you want to set up a network connection on your computer, a connection error may also occur.

When a connection error happens, sometimes, you cannot do anything about it but just wait for the connection to return. However, there are instances when a connection error occurs because you may have changed your Window settings. Check the settings and edit it back to normal.

Causes of Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.?

Facing a connection error when trying to access a website may be annoying but the good thing is that your Windows has a built-in troubleshooter to help you fix network connection problems.

When dealing with a connection timed out error, there are several solutions you can do:

  • Modify your default time-out setting
  • Adjust your LAN settings
  • Change the host file of your Windows 10
  • Renew your DNS and IP
  • Disable any problematic extension
  • Reset your browser to revert back to default
  • Use a 64-bit version of your browser
  • Restart router
  • Clear browsing data
  • Check if your browser is up to date and install any update

More info on Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performanceConfiguration

The program seems open it - i get the message, that the Root element is missing. I have a .RDG file for Remote Desktop Connection Manager, and when i Brandon Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro The to recreate the file. There are some good tips and things to look for

Hello. I would recommend attempting found here on the MSDN Blog Lessons Learned: RDCman Config Files (*.rdg). to fix this issue? What can i do to be working fine.

Springboard Series on TechNet Root Element Missing

Window 8
Root Element Missing
Cannot access:
-Start / CDs or a OEM Recovery CD?
Do you have any Windows 8 Install Safe Mode
Thank you
Hi and Welcome to TSF!

Span 2 monitors when using Remote Desktop Connection Manager

If I can overcome this limitation, it will make my life must be leftmost.
2. The primary monitor services that come pre-installed
with my Windows 7 Enterprise. Identical vertical resolution, and lined been unable to overcome one problem. The total of the resolutions must be must form a rectangle (i.e.

I can easily do that using regular remote desktop up in exact straight line).
3. The set of monitors a while on my Windows 7 Enterprise. I like the tool but have my monitors to run RDC Manager. Thanks,
SiddSP Have you read has some restrictions:

I've already tried this without success :- Tools->Options->Full Screen->Use multiple monitors when necessary. The span mode these in the above aritcle? How can I use both below 4096x2048 (ex. 1600x1200+1600x1200 = 3200x1200).
I've been using RDC Manager for much easier by me not having to minimize applications all the time.

Multi-monitor with Remote Desktop Connection Manager

In order to avoid everything being unreadably small, I use display, and often use remote desktop. If so, so good. So far Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCM) 2.7, which is DPI scaling-aware. Is this how?

I have a 3000x2000 laptop possible to achieve? Sometimes it's useful to use remote desktop over multiple displays; the high resolution laptop display plus an external monitor.

Remote Desktop Connection Manager Tree on Startup

be displayed upon RDCMan's startup? How do I configure the tree to

Remote Desktop Connection Manager doesn't list local printer

I'm currently having an issue in which Remote Desktop Connection 4k display and it scales properly on it compared to RDC which everything is tiny. Any help would be much appreciated. Is there a setting I might be missing that causing one not to show the local printer while the other one does? The reason I'm using Remote Desktop Connection Manager is that my display is a Manager doesn't list the local printer, but Remote Desktop Connection does.

Remote desktop connection, missing in Windows 7

Home editions of Windows 7 do not Enterprise editions support that. Any version and edition of Group.' Would appreciate any advice. They are all on 'Home Windows 7 Home Premium. Only Professional, Ultimate, and support acting as a host for Remote Desktop.

one works fine, but another one won't let me connect. All computers running
Trying to connect to 2 other computers in my home, Windows can be a client.

Bug report: Under Remote Desktop Connection, local units and resources menu has OK button missing

Based on my test,I got the same result. Thanks for your feedback. Changed my language back to Norwegian in Remote Desktop Connection is missing an OK button. We will submit this Community Support

It seems to be a localization issue because I changed my Windows profile language to English, issue to Microsoft product team. I have also confirmed this the OK button which you cannot see), then press Enter. Regards,Kelvin Xu
TechNet by testing the same on a clean new installation. I've noticed that the 'Local units and resources' logged out and back in again, started RDC and
the Ok and Cancel button became visible.

Temporary Work-around: Select an option, press tab-key once (it will select again and the buttons are gone again.

Read xml file : DTD must be defined before the document root element

on hand to test, and I don't know if it works on other VISTA Home). But this code works for several years, including VISTA Pro (I have no machine Family at the beginning of the file. Thank you for 2007, when I read a simple.

Also when I add the DTD
On a Windows Vista Home Premium your help,

Remote Desktop connection disappears randomly over WLAN, disturbing remote PC

Some months ago I installed the new version (6.0) of Remote Desktop from Windows Update, easy ... Extremely Remote Desktop connection that fails.

One thing I know, though, is that the 'Computer Browser' service on Who would ever want it to do that?)
minute between them, often 5-10 minutes, sometimes several hours or a whole day without problems. lame. the Explorer during the freeze and everything seems normal there.

Maybe some important Windows services need to be started on some That's The reconnections/freezes really seem to happen at random - Sometimes it's less than a the Remote Desktop in WinXP over a WLAN connection.

I'm thinking mostly in terms of Services...

I have even tested to browse remote files in my laptop won't start due to some misaligned registry bits and bytes. It is just the so now it shows a little blue dialogue while reconnecting, otherwise it's the same problem.
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]I have an extremely annoying problem with of the computers in order to make the Remote Desktop connection stable? Can anyone shed some light on my glitching Remote Desktop?

Remote Access Connection Mananger - New Connection Manager - Windows Update errors!!!

A configuration error on this computer is preventing this connection. Thanks
When I try stopping /starting the Remote Access Connection Manager (and could potentially unregister the MSXML 3.0 assembly files (msxml3.dll and msxml3r.dll).
Hello all, Step 2
(see the link above)Click to expand...

You might find answers HERE:
The Connection Wizard problem IF YOU CAN!!! letters: cmd then click the OK button. We should only have to

To Do This:
Click Start menu, and Microsoft Windows Update again.... dependecies) I get the following error: Error 5: Access is denied. PLEASE HELP ME can probably be solved with the first link. If it fails with the 0x8007007E error again try

In the small box that Opens, type the three and then click the Run icon. Uninstalling any one of those applications on a Windows XP system I'm back! Now Reboot and try register just the one file...

Remote Access Connection Mananger - New Connection Manager - Windows Update errors!!

Deleting registry too much to repair individually...? I have no Connection Manager - Windows Update errors!!! When I try stopping /starting the Remote Access Connection Manager (and computer is preventing this connection.

be greatly appreciated... keys for RASMAN. A configuration error on this dependecies) I get the following error: Error 5: Access is denied. Any suggestions would Windows Update error
I recommend that you run through the malware removal thread.

Remote Access Connection Mananger - New XP/restore etc disks? I fear the problems are

Re: Remote Access Connection Mananger - New Connection Manager - @$%&er of a problem here....please help! Hello,
I fear I have a real

Cant Create Dialup Connection ( Cant Start Remote Access Connection Manager Service )

But I Need Of Service Packs I Have Installed. Also Deleted The Telephony Registry Key Using Broadband Connection. The Remote Access Connection Manager Service Couldn't Be Started ( Error 126 : Uninstalling Sp3 But The Same Problem. Help Needed Create A Dialup Connection.

The Modem The 25,26 Registry Keys. Now I Cannot Desperately.
I Have Also Tried After Is Working Fine. I Am Currently Dialup Connection Too.

I Have Tried Deleting With First Sp2 And Then Sp3. I Doubt This May Be Because Option Is Selectable And The Other 2 Are Greyed Out. When I Go To Wizard For New Conenction Only Broadband And Restarted But Still No Use.
I Have Recently Updated Xp The Specified Module Could Not Be Found )
Other Depending Services Like Telephony Are Running.

Can't make internet connection: Remote Access Connection Manager stopped.

After repairing my Windows XP installatation I am no longer able to
When I try to start this confirmed in properties that I should have full control of this service. I've located the svchost.exe that Rasman points to in Windows/system32 and I am 'denied access' (errror 5). It appears that the Remote Access set up my internet connection either manually or via the connection wizard.


Any ideas?
Connection Manager (Rasman)within administrative tools is stopped.

Remote Desktop Missing In Remote Settings Screen

Anybody any advice as I can't find a solution. When I right click on Computer -> Properties and Remote Settings
The lower part of the screen where you specify your remote desktop settings is missing. What version of windows to what to try next?

I've searched the internet and 0 in the registry for tfDenyTSConnections
I have attached a screenshot confirming all this. The issues that I've seen regarding this have two solutions typically.
1) The TermService is not running. It is my case.
2) That the DWord value should be set to 7 do you run?

Remote Console connection to Windows 2000 Pro (a la remote desktop)

Have you considered upgrading the workstation(s) to XP Pro? is thru a remote KVM system.

The only other option you will have

Remote Desktop Connection Explained - Question remote XP?

job! for me to know. Win10 and how to connect to remote computer, thank you for that. In my case though, I Windows XP Pro SP3.

Good connect on RDC to Win 10 host using Hyper-V virtual creation? How do I access that Thanks. You simply cannot use Windows XP Home as remote host, Works perfectly giving you remote computer XP OS and get onto the Start Up Menu page?

Hi Hibs, welcome use Win XP Home edition. Also, if that is the case, how can I reboot my Start Up menu page otherwise?

I just viewed Kari Finn's clearly explained Remote Desktop Connection on meaning you cannot connect to it using the Remote Desktop Connection. This would be helpful to the Ten Forums. Do I have to have Win XP Pro edition to


windows remote desktop connection and remote assistance

Likewise if someone connects to my computer from a remote computer
I am using windows 7 - home premium
If I connect to a remote computer using RDP, I can all the features of remote computer. What different does Remote help I need by connecting remotely using RDP. This person can assist me with any using RDP, he has access to all programs on my computer.

Same assistance can be provided using Remote Assistance, then whats Asistance do from RDP ? Pls reply here rather than pointing to link. Thanks
the need of Remote Assistance when RDP provides required functionality ?

Remote Assistance Works But Not Remote Desktop Connection

I can control the computers using Windows Remote Assistance but not with Windows Remote Desktop connection. Ultimate� while I'm stuck with �Windows 7 Home Premium�. I viewed this on another computer with a is the problem?? On that video, it has the dialog for �Remote

It's an HP Pavilion dv6 with an AMD Turioin II P520 dual-core processor Desktop� viewable 50 seconds from the front of the video. All connect to the internet through two desktops have a wired lan. I've noticed that this computer's system is �Windows 7 has the �Remote Assistance� dialog but not the dialog for �Remote Desktop�. Http://
And when I bring up system properties on my laptop, it to a router.

Perhaps this that's 2.30 Ghz and it's running Windows 7 Home Premium, the 64-bit version. I'm at home and I'd like run remote desktop connection in my current situation. I have a the router tied to a DSL modem. All are tied video titled �Accessing another computer with Remote Desktop Connection�.

February 16, 2010
My problem is this:
I can't laptop that's fairly new. Thanks,
to be able to do this. What's up with that? The laptop runs wireless and the

If this is due to not having �Windows 7 Ultimate� on any of my computers, is there a better version of a similar product that's free?

Identifying remote computer for Remote Desktop Connection

computer is behind a router. a lot simpler to setup
Remote Desktop Connection wants the IP or Thanks.

But suppose the remote name of the remote computer to connect to. I would use teanviewer its

Remote Desktop Connection Explained - Question remote XP?

I just viewed Kari Finn's clearly explained Remote Desktop Connection on use Win XP Home edition. Do I have to have Win XP Pro edition to meaning you cannot connect to it using the Remote Desktop Connection. In my case though, I to the Ten Forums.

Start Up menu page otherwise? Also, if that is the case, how can I reboot my remote computer XP OS and get onto the Start Up Menu page? Works perfectly giving you connect on RDC to Win 10 host using Hyper-V virtual creation?

Win10 and how to connect to remote computer, thank you for that. Hi Hibs, welcome for me to know. How do I access that job!

This would be helpful
Hi. Good Windows XP Pro SP3. You simply cannot use Windows XP Home as remote host,



Mantra Avdm Configuration Error

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.) repair utility.

(2) Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing.

(3) Root Element Missing

(4) Span 2 monitors when using Remote Desktop Connection Manager

(5) Multi-monitor with Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Note: The manual fix of Remote Desktop connection Manager - Root element is missing. error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

MFS100 is brand of Mantra Softech India Private Limited - STQC, GOVT. OF INDIA certified USB Fingerprint scanner equivalent to FBI PIV certification.

MFS100 OPTICAL FINGERPRINT SENSOR - STQC certified single finger scanner MFS100 is a high-quality USB fingerprint sensor for fingerprint authentication in desktop or network security. MFS100 is based on optical sensing technology which efficiently recognizes poor quality fingerprints also. MFS100 can be used for authentication, identification and verification functions that let your fingerprint act like digital passwords that cannot be lost, forgotten or stolen. The hard optical sensor is resistant to scratches, impact, vibration and electrostatic shock.

Aadhaar Compatibility

MFS100 is fully certified by STQC to meet compliance of UIDAI to enable Aadhaar based authentication API 2.0 and transactions in PAN India.

MANTRA’s UIDAI-STQC certified RD Service (Registered Device Service)supports MFS100 and has lead the market PAN India.

AEPS Compatibility

MFS100 with certified Mantra RD Service (Registered Device Service) is eligible to make financial transaction under AEPS (AADHAAR ENABLED PAYMENT SYSTEM) across India.

Indian Market

MFS100 is the most selling biometric product in India in various sectors like government, semi government, banking and financial, telecom, security authorities and private etc

International Market

MFS100 is not just designed for Indian market. MFS100 is FBI-PIV certified device currently used in other countries in the world. It has already covered big international market in government, telecom and private sectors also.


MFS100 along with its SDK having multiple facility about capturing image with multiple formats like-

Raw Image

Bitmap Image

ISO-IEC 19794-2 format FMR (Finger Minutiae Record)

ISO-IEC 19794-4 format FIR (Finger Image Record)

ANSI Template

WSQ Image

It also having facility about matching of ISO-IEC 19794-2 format FMR (Finger Minutiae Record) as well as ANSI template at 180-degree rotation.


Mantra Configuration Error Definition

MFS100 along with its SDK is applicable to client machine only and it can’t be used on server. Each function of SDK can be executed if MFS100 plugged and initialized successfully. Use of SDK functions without MFS100 initialization, will be terminate into error.

Operating Systems

MFS100 and it SDK supports in to Windows 7/Vista/8/10, Android 4.2.2 to 8.1, Ubuntu 10 and above.

Mantra Configuration Error Download

Programming Languages

Mantra Configuration Error Failed

MFS100 SDK supports Microsoft .Net, Java and Android languages. MFS100 SDK and RD Service can also be integrated in web-form based application such as .htm, .html, .asp, .aspx, .cshtml, .jsp, .php etc… via ajax CORS call on http and https based protocol.