Pli Service Tax

May 28, 2015 PLI Directorate decied to increase the service tax on PLI with effect from. The rates of Service Tax got upward revision as under vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue Notification NO 5/2015-Service tax ct. Revised ST For First year Premium is 3.50% (from 3.09%). Please inform the old PLI office that henceforth your premium will be remitted to xxx office of PLI. xxx is the new PLI office. This is important. Your permanent address/email id / mobile no helps us to contact you, even when your services are frequently transferred. PLI RPLI Service Tax Revised from vide PLI Directorate Letter No. 19-9/2013-LI dated. Service Tax for PLI/RPLI First year premia is 3.62% and Service Tax for PLI/RPLI Renewal Premia is 1.82% wef. Sir, Post offices functioning in J&K have received instructions from their higher ups to charge service tax @ 10.5% from all the holders of Postal Life Insurance Policies whenever they come to post office for depositing the monthly premium (already stands calculated) with effect from 1st November 2013, which is a big dent on the pockets of customers who are mostly Government / semi- Govt. Calculate Premium and maturity of PLI Santosh Plan. The calculator provides premium with current Goods and Service Tax (GST) rate applicable w.e.f.

  1. Pli Premium Service Tax
  2. Aces
  3. Service Tax Online Payment
  4. Pli Service Tax Credit
Pli Service Tax

Download chandragupta maurya serial all episode. Why You Should Attend

2020 was a year like no other. The impacts of COVID-19 on the economy and the ways in which businesses operate, and the results of the 2020 Presidential election, will continue to affect the tax landscape as we move into 2021. As a result, the coming year will surely bring new state and local tax challenges. State and local governments and tax authorities will be forced to balance the need to address revenue shortfalls and funding needs with the desire to employ incentive programs to attract much-needed business to their states. In addition, although remote work has become part of almost every company’s DNA, there are still significant tax issues and opportunities relating to a company’s property footprint that must be taken into consideration as businesses seek to manage their expenses.

For tax practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of these new and evolving issues in state and local tax, PLI is delighted to present this half-day program in which leading state and local tax experts will address these dynamic developments and trends.

Topics Include

Pli Premium Service Tax

  • State and local responses to the 2020 election and the impacts of COVID-19
  • The state and local incentives landscape as a result of the changes in the US economy and workforce
  • Issues related to brick and mortar property footprints in the U.S., including property tax and unclaimed property/escheat

Who Should Attend

This program is designed for corporate tax managers, tax attorneys, accountants and anyone interested in examining sophisticated, cutting-edge state and local tax issues.


Program Level – Overview


Intended Audience - Attorneys at law and accounting firms, in-house tax counsel and other tax professionals seeking a deeper understanding of the complex interaction between federal, state and local tax laws.

Service Tax Online Payment

Prerequisites – Interest in exploring the relationship between federal, state and local tax laws.

Pli Service Tax Credit

Advanced Preparation – None